It was easy to just dismiss this car . . . 'cause o' cost. I still remember C Harris commenting on the $30k wiring harness --- 'what are they f*cking smoking?' I thought

But there are enough OCD-inducing builds here, on Our Site, that Singer's kinda --- energy? . . . has an audience. Mr Dickenson does what a lotta Car People already do --- or want to . . .

He just does it more . . . as in WAY

For anyone building a Hot Rod 911 . . . the bar is now set preeeeeeetty high

Mr Dickenson also does what he does ---- for money . . . the b@stard!

Feel that?

But . . .

. . . looking at The Car --- as a car?

It's just spectacular. I mean --- totally over the top

Nobody --- and I mean ab-so-lutely nobody . . . does what Mr Dickenson does. I've seen little bits of what his cars have, in Hot Rod shows, usually . . . nickel trim, leather-work, upholstered trunks + engine compartments, fab'd-up gauges + levers + handles + knobs + switches --- little touches that don't call attention to themselves but, somehow, seem even more spectacular for it --- Singer's brass-plated alu lugs, for example . . .

. . . but packing it all? --- in One Package . . . that does >170 mph?

That is SO sick

The irony is --- having built this howling/sliding/jewel of a car . . . most people who could own/appreciate such a treasure . . .

. . . would probably have stroke actually using it

So --- a Huge Shout-out for the Guy who let R&T thrash his

Wonder who's paying that detail bill?
