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Thread: Oregon Central Coast Porsche Activity??

  1. #1
    Swedewerks Survivor Cars SD Swede's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Florence, OR

    Oregon Central Coast Porsche Activity??

    I just returned from a first time trip to Oregon's central cost, Florence area, and fell in love with it for several different reasons. Also, for several different reasons, (a lot of them), i've grown irritatingly out of love with southern CA, actually with CA in general. I'll spare you the details about that if I could get some insight about Porsche activity in the Oregon central coast areas. I would love to hear from E911SR members in the area as it certainly looks to possess beautiful driving scenery and roads...when it's not raining, I know
    I'd love to hear thoughts and advice if you have any about re-locating to this area while enjoying the early 911 experience. Thanks in advance...
    Peter Andersson #2864
    Pinstriped Early 911 Club #1

  2. #2
    most of the coast is in the "tsunami zone" so you are taking some risk there

  3. #3
    Swedewerks Survivor Cars SD Swede's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Florence, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by 37yrold911 View Post
    most of the coast is in the "tsunami zone" so you are taking some risk there
    I surf, so I should be good!
    Peter Andersson #2864
    Pinstriped Early 911 Club #1

  4. #4
    Senior Member JT912's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Eugene, OR
    There are some of us in the Eugene and Corvallis area who are early car owners and drivers. Tsunami warnings will give you plenty of warning to load up your Porsche and find your way to higher ground. You've had a good response on the Bird from those in the know of the area.
    John Thompson

    1966 912. My first car. Bought it Nov. 25, 1988. Still have it.

  5. #5
    Swedewerks Survivor Cars SD Swede's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Florence, OR
    Hey John,
    Thanks for your message. Yes, I've been excited about the information shared by others there. I'm looking forward to the eventual move to the point it's hard to sleep as the anticipation is keeping my brain too active. Hope to get to meet everyone soon!
    Peter Andersson #2864
    Pinstriped Early 911 Club #1

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