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Thread: WARNING - Tru6 Restoration (with business reply)

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Dexterpix View Post
    Shaun is a great guy with terrible business sense. He does great work but is not willing to schedule service and only take in parts to be worked on in a real time context. He is clearly using deposit for work to be done as operating capital. While this is to his benefit it leaves customers frustrated with long time frames, money deposited and parts in limbo.

    In Shaun's defense this is not anything NEW in doing business with him. If you send your parts to him YOU should expect this at this point. There are reviews going back years on this board and the Bird. To continually bring this issue up is truly the definition of insanity: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    What a load of crap. I for one was unaware of Shaun's prior history, took him on face value only to be defrauded.

    How he is permitted to advertise in our magazine if this is a known issue is beyond my comprehension.

    To be told several times, in writing, in the past 18 mths that my work will be finished in the next week or so is just plain lying, simple as that.

    I have a plan Shaun, stop taking new work and say no to to those line jumpers so you can help the people who have trusted you and stop lying!!

    The tyranny of distance has saved Shaun from some Aussie justice.
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

    Early S Registry Member #294
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  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Clyde, I can certainly see why would say that. A few things.

    1. Your grille and 5 others were part of the Cerakote Cobra Black issue. That has been solved.

    2. Your grille would be tinted pink/green if I had done it after the black was worked out. Note that this doesn't happen with frames, they are a different alloy.

    3. You will be happy to know when Michael Harmon of Early S asked me to advertise again a month ago I said no, I have too much business and can't hire anyone and can't get existing work done

    4. When I said it would be done soon, actual solutions were close, they didn't pan out, and again, stuff comes up. I know it's a bad excuse but it's reality. Do you know how many anodizers will take a jig like the pic below and anodize it with a hot water seal? 12 shops in a 100 mile radius said No. Some hemmed and said maybe but when I brought the jig with ribs they said No way. That has been solved with a new anodizer, just fell in my lap 2 weeks ago and a new jig that you can practically drop it and the ribs will be ok.

    5. I have 8 grilles to be done this month, yours is one of them.
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    Tru6 Restoration & Design
    69S Targa, Velvet Green
    73T Coupe, Gemini Blue
    Early S Registry #1462

  3. #13
    Here is why I don't believe you Shaun

    You sent me this email and that same pic in Feb 2023!!!!

    That is why I don't believe anything you have written this morning.

    "Things are coming along though slowly. I have had to take the last month to both have 4 wisdom teeth removed and then work on cars going to Amelia Island. But your grille is close, pic attached. I will be able to finish it when I get back from Amelia. These ribs just need a final polish which I do once I’m ready to go to the anodizer.

    Thank you and take care,

    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

    Early S Registry Member #294
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  4. #14
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    Yes and guess what happened with not your grille but another prepped at the same time as yours? It came out pink.

    Edit: I had completely forgotten about the wisdom teeth this year. That was brutal.

    Do you want your grille to look like this or the fixed window trim that is the same alloy as the grille ribs?

    I guess you'll know in about 3 weeks as I have to get one done for Porsche Factory Classic Restoration, and 6 others that have been waiting as long as you. Yes, their repro grilles suck.
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    Tru6 Restoration & Design
    69S Targa, Velvet Green
    73T Coupe, Gemini Blue
    Early S Registry #1462

  5. #15
    others waiting longer than me.... wow I feel sorry for them too.

    If all your problems mean you can't do the job then throw my grille in the bin and refund all the money I paid you that way one of your problems goes away.

    As it stands right now I don't believe I will ever see my grille completed anyway.
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

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  6. #16
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    I will just finish your grille and not charge you the balance Clyde. Grilles are probably the only thing I restore that you can drive your car without one and I've sent used grilles to people who wanted one while there's is here, but no one is angry about it. As I said, grilles are unfortunately the lowest on the list across anodizing, chrome, cadmium plating and Cerakote fans & housings, suspensions, tranmission and engine cases. The only time they aren't is when they go with a set door frames, etc. If I had just one more tech, this wouldn't be the case. I have enough work to keep three techs busy. With 2 techs, grilles would be near the top of the list and I would focus on them myself. Door frames are a lot easier. I am putting an ad up tomorrow for two more, I feel good about finding at least one. And the one I have is finally up to speed. He doesn't know it but he's getting a serious raise tomorrow.
    Tru6 Restoration & Design
    69S Targa, Velvet Green
    73T Coupe, Gemini Blue
    Early S Registry #1462

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Shaun 69 E View Post
    I will just finish your grille and not charge you the balance Clyde. Grilles are probably the only thing I restore that you can drive your car without one and I've sent used grilles to people who wanted one while there's is here, but no one is angry about it. As I said, grilles are unfortunately the lowest on the list across anodizing, chrome, cadmium plating and Cerakote fans & housings, suspensions, tranmission and engine cases. The only time they aren't is when they go with a set door frames, etc. If I had just one more tech, this wouldn't be the case. I have enough work to keep three techs busy. With 2 techs, grilles would be near the top of the list and I would focus on them myself. Door frames are a lot easier. I am putting an ad up tomorrow for two more, I feel good about finding at least one. And the one I have is finally up to speed. He doesn't know it but he's getting a serious raise tomorrow.

    There is no balance Shaun, I stupidly paid you in full if you re check your paypal
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

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  8. #18
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    OK, I can either refund you or finish your grille in about 3 weeks. Just let me know.
    Tru6 Restoration & Design
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    73T Coupe, Gemini Blue
    Early S Registry #1462

  9. #19
    Senior Member Simonjjb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOYER73S View Post
    What a load of crap. I for one was unaware of Shaun's prior history, took him on face value only to be defrauded.

    How he is permitted to advertise in our magazine if this is a known issue is beyond my comprehension.

    To be told several times, in writing, in the past 18 mths that my work will be finished in the next week or so is just plain lying, simple as that.

    I have a plan Shaun, stop taking new work and say no to to those line jumpers so you can help the people who have trusted you and stop lying!!

    The tyranny of distance has saved Shaun from some Aussie justice.
    Shaun is not a fraudster. Yes, very frustrating getting work done, but not a fraudster.
    1968 911L Coupe - Golden Green
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  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Simonjjb View Post
    Shaun is not a fraudster. Yes, very frustrating getting work done, but not a fraudster.
    Well what else do you call it Simon when someone takes your money and fails to deliver your service in a reasonable time frame and please don't give that he's the best, his work is great crap
    that I have read before. This is about business practices, not quality of work done at the business.

    I checked my dictionary, they call that fraud.
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

    Early S Registry Member #294
    First Aussie R Gruppe Member #366
    TYP 901 Register Inc #6

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