Howdy everybody! I must say, I am a little more excited this morning than most other mornings. Sort of like an 8 year old at XMAS, did a little dance in front of her today, wooohoo! My new to me '69 911s is home, and safe in the garage. I have only driven her 4 hours in total, which brings my early 911 driving experience to a total of 4hrs I have never felt more at one with a vehicle than I do with this one, it was near instantaneous! Never driven a dogleg before, now it just feels right.
I would like to throw out some massive thanks to the forum in general, and to a few specific individuals! Rick K, you never failed to answer every single question I could think of, no matter how basic! I met Rick when I bought his e30 M3 a few years ago, it was great to see you here when I first joined up, I knew then that I was in the company of true driving enthusiasts, oh yes, your sterling still runs like a champ! I'd like to thank Luke, for also answering any question I threw at him, even though he had no idea who I was. Guys like Luke, Lewis, and Rick, make this forum a wonderful place to be. Also, thanks for introducing me to the previous caretaker of my '69s, Lewis, I can't thank you enough for the intro. So many of the great examples never hit the public marketplace, so to get the inside track was an absolute blessing, thanks And of course Lewis, it was wonderful meeting you in person, as well as meeting your family, the human members as well as that of the canine variety! Thanks for trusting me with your baby(the 69), she will be in good hands I can't wait to get out on the road with you Northeast guys, make some new friends, and enjoy some great roads with a wonderful car!
So, thanks again to all, I look forward to many years of driving joy! Pics to follow shortly.