
While assessing the parts of my front suspension after their removal, I noticed that both controls arms show a problem. The reinforcement "bars", that form a diagonal to the L shaped arms are slightly bend towards the front of the car. It seems to me that this was caused by some pulling with a spanset when the car was probably transported (perhaps after a breakdown). The front parts do not show any sign of an accident and the car was driving fine before dismantling it for restoration.

Now the question is whether I can straighten this reinforcement or does it make sense to change both control arms in order to have a top notch geometry. Does anyone have the measurement of the angle of the "L". This would give a idea if my arms are reusable.

What about repro control arms. Are they fine (Dansk or JP group or else) ?

What would you do ? There is as well the option of buying original used arms either restored or to be restored.

