We've been doing a major expansion of our Safety Department for a while which has entailed a lot of research. I discovered a lot about fire extinguishers that I wish that I had known last year.

Last summer I went on a camping trip to the Oregon Coast pulling my vintage Airstream trailer. It was a great week there and I was packed up and ready to roll when I noticed smoke coming out of the back of the tow vehicle. I popped the rear hatch and there were flames in the rear corner where the taillight was housed (ironic huh?). There was a fire extinguisher mounted in the trailer just inside the door and I was able to grab it and put out the fire quickly. But what a mess, everything was covered in a fine, white powder. I had never given the extinguisher any thought as it had come with the trailer but it was an old fashioned one that sprayed a harmful and corrosive element. The car ended up being totaled.

What I discovered in my research is that there are "clean" fire extinguishers available that spray a clean agent gas that is non-conductive, non-corrosive, and leaves no residue. An example is the Halguard H3R which we decided to carry become an authorized dealer.

There's more....

There's another fire extinguisher that is revolutionary. Made in Italy, it's called the Element E-50 and it's very small. basically a 13" long stick. The Elements use safe and clean potassium nitrate which leaves no residue. It contains 4X more fire suppressant than a typical 5lb extinguisher. We use these in our AC14 Smugglers Box Road kits and everyone should have one in every one of their vehicles, whether cars, boats, airplanes, etc.

Whether you buy clean extinguishers from me or somewhere else, please buy them. Every vehicle should have one.