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Thread: DMV pink slip question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Harris,Ca. (It's 5 miles to pavement)

    DMV pink slip question

    Does anyone know the meaning of some of the 'boxes' on the pink slip?(old style pink, 4x5 style) . One of the boxes ,near the top on the same line as date first sold, has an asterisk and yr.. the box to the right has yr. model.( I am pretty sure I can figure that one out). What does the one with the asterisk mean? Yr. model reads 67, under the asterisk and yr it reads 69. Anyone know?

  2. #2
    Probably the year first registered in California. Do you have the Kardex of who it was first sold to and where? Maybe it spent some time in Germany first.
    Peter Kane

    '72 911S Targa
    Message Board Co-Moderator - Early 911S Registry #100

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Harris,Ca. (It's 5 miles to pavement)
    I know that the car started out in Germany. It makes sense because it is registered (somehow) as a 67 when it is an early 65. How would that happen? Any ideas?

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2003
    Iscottb88: Back in the day the DMV was a lot more casual. I suspect a DMV clerk was handed a pile of German paperwork, along with the rest and stuck in what looked right at the time. It wasn't uncommon to see the incorrect years. You can do a notice of correction [I think that's what they used to call it] if it matters to you. Depending upon your local DMV office/personnel it can be simple.. or not so simple. Today I never know what to expect from them.

    Way back I had a '54 Speedster. The DMV papers showed it as a '55 and it was registered via the engine number, not the VIN! It had a '61 Super engine. So the paperwork bordered on meaningless but when I finally sold it that was still how it was registered. In later years I had a '55 Speedster that the stupid owner didn't know where the VIN was and ended up with an inept CHP inspector doing an Assigned VIN on the car. I expected it to be a simple thing to correct with the DMV but the DMV required that I see the CHP. As it turned out, the CHP refused to change it. The pristine original and untouched in any way VIN plate and stamp were clearly evident [but on old 356s the plate it nearly hidden between the gas tank and side bulkhead]. I could only surmise they were unwilling to admit they shouldn't have done this in the first place. In other words be prepared for a crapshoot and bring written evidence. It should be very straightforward, but it's our DMV.

    Honestly, if you have the old CA title in that "Pink Slip" form, I would enjoy having that old document and consider their error as a quaint part of the ownership experience. If it's import to have correct:

  5. #5
    In California pink slip is proof that you participated in and completed a drivers ed course

  6. #6
    Senior Member bob joyce's Avatar
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    el sobrante ca.

  7. #7
    Oil Cooled Heart Bullethead's Avatar
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    South Florida
    sensei is sensei!

    Seriously guys, the bots keep showing up...

    ESR # 1537

    '62 356S Notchback Hotrod
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    '68 T Targa Sportomatic
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  8. #8
    I'm not a bot. Just never mind
    Sorry for necroposting

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